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ग्रहों की स्थिति

Q1. दूरी के अनुसार ग्रहों की स्थिति ? बुध (Mercury) शुक्र (Venus) पृथ्वी (Earth) मंगल (Mars) वृहस्पति (Jupiter) शनि (Saturn) यूरेनस (Uranus)...

-measure the difference between countries’ pledges to cut emissions and the amount of cutting needed to keep the rise in global temperature below 2°C by the year 2100.

-Report warned that the world is falling short of achieving the goals set under the 2015 Paris Agreement 

-Implementation of current climate pledges will only reduce this to a 2.4 to 2.6°C temperature rise by the end of this century.

-Report recommended remedial actions in 6 areas – electricity supply, industry, transport and building sectors, and food and financial systems.

-It estimates that the global transformation to a low-carbon economy would require 4 to 6 trillion USD in investment each year.


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