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Q1. दूरी के अनुसार ग्रहों की स्थिति ? बुध (Mercury) शुक्र (Venus) पृथ्वी (Earth) मंगल (Mars) वृहस्पति (Jupiter) शनि (Saturn) यूरेनस (Uranus)...

Hotspot volcanism is a type of volcanism that occurs at the interior of the lithospheric plates rather than plate margins.

Well known hotspots include-
1) Hawaiian Hotspot
2) Yellowstone Hotspot
3) Reunion Hotspot

Hotspot volcanism occurs due to abnormally hot centres in the mantle known as "mantle plumes".

Most of the mantle plumes lie far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g. Hawaiian Hotspot), but there are some exceptions which are located near plate boundaries (e.g. Iceland Hotspot, Afar Hotspot).


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