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ग्रहों की स्थिति

Q1. दूरी के अनुसार ग्रहों की स्थिति ? बुध (Mercury) शुक्र (Venus) पृथ्वी (Earth) मंगल (Mars) वृहस्पति (Jupiter) शनि (Saturn) यूरेनस (Uranus)...

●Green Bond 
-Also known as Climate Bonds
-Bonds which are used to fund projects that have positive environmental & climate benefits.
-Eg. Sovereign Green Bond by GoI 

●Blue Bond 
-Bonds to raise fund for sustainable maritime sector/aquatic ecosystem /
-Eg. Seychelles launched world’s first sovereign blue bond

●Yellow bonds : bonds for raising funds for solar energy generation

●Transition bonds : bonds to raise fund for transitioning to a more sustainable form of economy


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