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Q1. दूरी के अनुसार ग्रहों की स्थिति ? बुध (Mercury) शुक्र (Venus) पृथ्वी (Earth) मंगल (Mars) वृहस्पति (Jupiter) शनि (Saturn) यूरेनस (Uranus)...

✅ The National Natural Resource Management System scheme has been discussed in the Parliament

♻️ About the Scheme:

✅ It is a central sector scheme of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change that acts as a national level interagency system for the integrated management of natural resources.

✅ In 1983, the Department of Space acknowledged the need to introduce remote sensing technology in the information system that was regularly used by the resource managers and planners. 

✅ To infuse technology into the management of resources, the National Natural Resource Management System was launched under the aegis of the then Planning Commission with the National Resource Management Information System (NRIS) as the feeder information system of the government that involves socio-economic information and models. 

♻️ Objective of the scheme:

✅ The major objective of the scheme is to promote the usage of remote sensing technology for inventions, assessments and monitoring of the country’s natural resources. 

♻️ Achievements of the scheme:

✅ Knowledge-based decision tool to examine the impact of climate change on vegetation has been developed in the Western Himalayan Eco-Region.

✅ The snow and glaciers of the Himalayan region are monitored in a regular manner.

✅ Mapping of India is performed to check the desertification status.

✅ Remote sensing and geographic information technologies are employed to check the soil and water qualities in salt-affected areas of Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu. 

✅ Upgraded technologies have been used to explore energy plantation opportunities, for integrated land use, water and energy management. 

✅ Natural resources assessment of selected eco-tourism sites of Gujarat and its surrounding environment has been conducted using remote sensing and GIS. 

✅ In the last five years, there has been considerable fund allocated for the continuation of research studies and assessment projects. 

#Tag: #GS3 #System #Resource #Conservation #Environment #Pre

✳️Mains: Natural Resource Management in India


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