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ग्रहों की स्थिति

Q1. दूरी के अनुसार ग्रहों की स्थिति ? बुध (Mercury) शुक्र (Venus) पृथ्वी (Earth) मंगल (Mars) वृहस्पति (Jupiter) शनि (Saturn) यूरेनस (Uranus)...

● Mixed reality technology allows real and virtual elements to interact with one another and the user to interact with virtual elements like they would in the real world. 

● In a mixed reality environment, wherever you go and look when wearing MR technology, the 3D content that you encounter in the space will react to you the same as it would in the real world. 

● For example, an object will move closer to you when you move closer to it and you can interact with it, e.g., Turn an object using gestures.


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